Monday 22 June 2009

Story Time - SP victims read with caution!!! (or not at all)

A lot of sleep paralysis stories tell of a sensation of being pinned down or a weight on their chest holding them down. In actual fact they are probably focusing on that part of the paralysis sensation for whatever reason and at the same time not realising that in actual fact they are paralysed from head to toe.

The stories also tell of something holding them down. Is this the minds interpretation in the midst of panic?

An experience I always remember is fighting against something that seemed to have me pinned down tight as I lay on my back. I couldn't break free and I knew something was on top of me in the darkness or in the invisible. So panicked was I that I started to recite the Lords prayer, The 'Our Father' in a bid to banish whatever it was that held me down. It was a rare occasion indeed that made me pray at that time, in my mid twenties. Surprisingly it didn't help. What happened next is possibly the most unexpected and frighteningly defeating turn of events that could happen to someone who was born and raised in a christian faith environment. The thing that held me down continued to do so and as I said the words of the Lords prayer it mimicked me, mockingly! Repeating one line in one ear the next line in the other ear. My praying was NOT going to help me free.

At this point my emotions just turned. Instead of fear and panic I suddenly just got incredibly angry and lost my temper with such a force that as I pushed back and shouted the words 'Oh just **** off will you!' it left, whatever it was just vanished.

I smile at the mimicry of the event, because it was a Trump move. Laughing in the face of God, how could it be immune I thought. But it has crossed my mind recently after learning and blogging about the mindsplit effect, was that thing, in fact a projection of me messing around on its way home? At 24 it was the kind of sick joke I might have played. Whatever it was it hasn't been back.

Sunday 14 June 2009

Energy Flows Where Attention Goes / Managing Your Mind.

Thought I'd just quickly blog my thoughts on the above statement for a couple of reasons. Firstly it's worth bearing in mind if you suffer sleep paralysis episodes and secondly it's effected my sleep recently.

Blogging and reading about sleep paralysis and projection has caused it to appear in my dreams. Somewhat imitating the symptoms of sleep paralysis experiences sometimes. I used to experience difficulty with moving my vision in paralysis and just the other night I dreamt a similar experience but was totaly blind in one eye.

Last night in my dream the symptoms I was feeling led me to believe I was neither awake or asleep and that I may well be out of my body. Fairly excited at the prospect I raced to the window expecting to pass through it and into the street. Instead I felt my hand hit the solidity of the window sill. I can't be projecting I suddenly deduced, but I'm not out of bed either. So I tried to open my eyes to see if I was really concious or dreaming. When I opened them what I saw told me I was dreaming so I again tried to open my eyes. I don't recall If I actually awoke or not.

What you can see from this is that from spending a fair quantity of time thinking about this subject I am now dreaming about having paralysis and projection episodes. I'm dreaming within dreams and dreaming of waking within dreams? It can all get very confusing and how then can you tell if you had a paralysis episode last night or wether you just dreamed about having one. After all anxieties often come out in our dreams too.

The point of all this? Manage your mind.
If you want to avoid this type of confusion and lessen the episodes then simply remember what you've read to help you through and untill the occasion requires it, forget about it. Don't spend hours trawling the net and reading books if it starts to disturb you further.

Once you've read something comforting or enlightening leave it at that for a while. You can always come back to it another time rather than swamp your mind with so much info it keeps churning it over in your sleep.

Tuesday 9 June 2009

Go To Sleep

Just returned from a couple of weeks break so just a short post today.

When someone experiences a high degree of disturbance from their sleep paralysis, or waking paralysis as it is sometimes called, there is often a tendency to avoid sleep. You will avoid sleeping because you don't want to have the experience again. If you do this this you only increase the likely hood of its occurrence. You are more likely to re-experience sleep paralysis if you are suffering from lack of sleep.

It can be tough if you've had a busy day and you've got go be up early again the next day and your night is disturbed by a unwanted paralysis episode. When you come out of it you will most likely feel a heavy tiredness, a sluggishness. Get up, raid the fridge or make yourself a drink maybe read for 20 minutes. That way when you return to bed you will sleep more soundly without a re-occurrence of the sleep paralysis.

Don't stay up all night, it's easy to think like that but it's a downward spiral if you begin to avoid sleeping and one which can cause a multitude of problems mostly degrading your mental health which will have a knock on affect in other areas.

So go to bed and sleep well.