Sunday, 21 November 2010
Ancient Origins of the Vampire
There is one such phenomena I’d like to tell you about. This is an incidence that has been recorded in different countries throughout Europe from at least the 1200's to the 1800's. The accounts are so similar in describing the same details in each case that one cannot deny the existence of the phenomena when such accuracy has been made in the recording time and time again. The accounts are often enhanced in their credibility by the persons giving the testimony. For example one such account from 1732 is signed by five Austrian Officers three of which were doctors.
The stories typically begin with the death of someone in the village. After the persons death people report seeing him or her. What is more they are usually haunting the village with a degree of meance. People will claim to have been attacked and in some cases animals too.
Now what is interesting here is that those who are attacked by the ghost of the dead villager are more often than not throttled by the throat, often leaving marks upon the neck. Now we know that they are ghosts because while many villagers may be able to see them there were some who could not.
The villagers response to this was to dig up the corpse and burn it, often removing the head first. Now when the bodies are dug up in all these cases the body has not decayed in any way. When these corpses were cut into, large amounts of fresh blood gushed from them which should not be possible for a corpse that has been intered.
Once these corpses were burnt the hauntings and appearences stopped.
To summarise; Ghostly figure attacks the throat leaving red marks, body is gorged with blood, is stopped by removing the head and burning. That’s right this is where the legend of the Vampire began except these guys did not actually suck blood from the victims neck, they were taking their energy. So if you are bothered by spectres in the night maybe wear a crucifix around your neck at night, you never know it might just work.
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Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Paradigms and Perceived Reality
What creates the view through your own glasses is the sum of your life experiences, your beliefs and personal values, this is your paradigm.
Incidentally the popular theory of Neural Linguistic Programming (NLP) often refers to this paradigm as your personal filters on reality. The process of NLP seeks to realise what your filters are and when they colour your responses to situations most. Then seek to override this so that you can take a greater degree of control over yourself, e.g. be brave when you would otherwise be afraid!
So why am I banging on about paradigms? Well it seems to me that your interpretation of what occurs to you during an experience such as Sleep Paralysis or an unexpected Out of Body Experience (OOBE) depends often on your own paradigm. I have read posts by people with a strong Christian beliefs say that sleep paralysis is the work of Satan and he has sent his demons to attack you! I have read posts by Muslims who believe a similar thing and attribute the experience to an evil spirit from the tribe if Jinn. There are those that believe that what is happening to them is the work of aliens from out of space, perhaps because of their exposure to popular cultural influences. You may have read the post I did once before illustrating the similarities in the description of Sleep Paralysis effects and those of alien abductees’. The same experience is interpreted differently depending on the person’s life experience up unto that point in time.
I’m not trying to discredit anybodies particular view or interpretation. I am just bringing this effect (of the paradigm) into plain view so that we can be aware of it when we examine experiences of our own and those of others. Perhaps this will help in our understandings and finding a common ground with one another.
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Thursday, 20 May 2010
Deliberate Projection
There are many different techniques you can deploy to try and promote a deliberate exit of your physical body. As well as the range of techniques available there are different types of 'projection' experiences you can try.
The techniques require practice, a methodical training if you like. The techniques themselves aren't particularly difficult but more than often require persistence and discipline in order to stay the course and attain success. Once you have reached success in deliberately causing a projection it's not like riding a bike unfortunately. You may well still have difficulty in easily projecting the next time and indeed you may never may master complete control of where and when you project.
It for this reason that I have come to see sleep paralysis as a sort of gift in a way. I say this because once you get past the distress stage and are accustomed to the experience, turning an paralysis episode into a projection seems much simpler than going through the training routine.
That said using sleep paralysis alone as an exit strategy is leaving it much more to chance. And I haven't had a sleep paralysis experience for months
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Saturday, 5 December 2009
Remote Viewing and the CIA Stargate Program
David Moorehouse was a US soldier who began to have psychic experiences after a close encounter between a bullet and his head. His troubled experiences drew the attention of certain people in the military and ultimately he was recruited and trained as part of the CIA Stargate program. The Stargate Program lends some credibility to the fact that Out of Body Experiences are a possibility for those who may be sceptical. The CIA put a great deal of effort into researching the subject and devising methods of training and best practice to enable their recruits to effectively practice a method called Remote Viewing.
Remote Viewing is unlike the OBEs I have discussed so far in that a part of the viewers mind or being is projected whilst consciousness is maintained. The participants in the Stargate program would sit with another person in the room who would act as a guide asking questions about what they saw in their environment and tell them to come back if things became too much for the viewer.
Some of the earlier use of remote viewers or psychic spies as they are often referred to, ran as various black ops programs headed by the pioneer in the feild for the USA Ingo Swan. These programmes became declassified around some time in the 1980s and information was released to the public under freedom for information requests . At that time the authorities claimed that remote viewing programmes had been discontinued however David Moorehouse accounts of being recalled to carry out remote viewing missions during the first Iraq war suggests otherwise.
It would seem that after the amount of time and resources spent by the USA in pursuing remote viewing programmes suggests that it provided valuable results for their purposes and therefore it would also seem unlikely that they would therefore terminate the program completely.
David Moorehouse' story also illustrates how much a closely guarded secret it is that remote viewing missions continue. When David's doubts about the morality of the Stargate program convinced him to get out and go public it very nearly cost him his life. He was extremely brave to speak out and very lucky to survive.
Friday, 20 November 2009
Sleep Paralysis is a Good Thing!
To Say that Sleep Paralysis is a good thing might seem an odd statement, especially to someone who has only recently begun the experience. After all what can possibly be good about losing control of your body, whilst being terrified out of your mind? Well first of all with some education, your sleep paralysis experiences will change, taking away the sensations of terror and giving you a greater amount of control than you ever had before.
Depending on your background, upbringing, location, religious or social indoctrination and personal beliefs that have formed the paradigm through which you view the world today, much of what is discussed in this blog may clash with your current outlook on life.
The fact is Sleep Paralysis is a good thing because it opens up a whole new world of possibilities to you. It is a doorway that reveals itself only to a select few. This is the beginning of a pathway to discovery, self mastery and evolution. Although this is something that may take time and the path may not always be easy consider yourself fortunate to have been led to this path in the first place for what lays ahead is beyond the reach of many another man.
We spend around 8 out of every 24 hours asleep. How much more fulfilling could your life be if during that time you could control and recall that time?
Monday, 16 November 2009
Out of the Body - a first hand account
What happened on this occacssion when I felt the familiar sensations of sleep paralysis overcomming me is that I just rolled out of my body. Its almost like an habitual instinct to do this when my body experiences certain sensations I know that its a window of opportunity to slip out. This habitual feel about it is one clue that leads to the suspicion that this occurance is more frequent than I can remember.
I succesfully got out of the body and neglected to put a good distance between me and my body. So as I stood there in my room realising I was acquiring astral sight I began to feel a tug towrads my body.
Going back to the astral sight, I knew it was such because as my vision started to appear I tried to make the sight clearer and instinctivly opened my physical eyes. I closed them immediately once I had done so realising what I had inadvertanly done in trying to see, by the flash of the viewpoint that my physical body had in it's bed.
The sight cleared up some and as I tried to leave into the next room it was like trying to walk with a bungee rope attached to your back. As I tried to resist its pull I swung round all over the place, through the window over the yard swinging back through the kitchen wall window into the gloom of the ceiling. As I passed over the yard on my elastic like fly by I clearly saw the blue bin I had reposition the day before with its big white numbers painted on the top.
As some point I did manage to circumvent the magnectic pull of my body and was above the houses looking down. I couldn't make out my garden in the gloom. I can't be sure that it was that dark and suspected that my astral sight at the moment was only sufficienly developed for short distances. Only time and future adventures will tell.
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Sunday, 18 October 2009
A Long Deep Sleep
In 1955 a law was passed in India to prevent Yogi known as a sadhu, from burying themselves in the ground alive. This intervention came about after a number of sadhu, who upon retrieval, had been found to be largely eaten by white ants while in the earth.
You see the sadhu had the ability to put themselves into a death-like state and then return to life non the worse for wear, at a later time. During this exercise they would be buried in the ground just like a corpse and would leave instruction as to when they should be exumed from their grave so that they may re-awaken.
The purpose of this practice was to allow the astral body to undertake journeys into the other realms. The Eastern books speak of the six realms of Sangsaric existence which the Yogi seeks to traverse and then eventually to transcend in order that they may reach enlightenment.
There are few notable stories of people known to have accomplished the feat of being buried for a lengthy time and returned with no ill effect. This is sometimes refered to as 'suspended animation'. One such fellow lived in the 1800s and went by the name of Haridas and was witnessed by a government minister called Raja Dhyan Singh in one of his demonstrations. The minister brought Haridas to the attention of the Mahrarja of Lahore who, intrigued by the story demanded a demonstration himself. Haridas obliged. The Maharaja had a grave of stone made for the event, put his personal seal on the linen bag which enclosd Haridas body and placed him in padlocked chest. As further measures to counteract any trickery once buried the Maharja planted barley over the top of the grave and assigned a company of 4 soldiers to gaurd the grave day and night.
Haridas was to be buried for ten months and his internment and exumation was witnessed also by the French General Ventura and Captain Wade. Also present at the preparations before the burial and at the grave side were several British Officers, the British political agent at Lodhiana and the principle Sihk chiefs.
On examination by doctors before his burial it was discovered Haridas had cut the tissue under his tongue. This was so that it could be flung back into the throat to plug the wind pipe. Haridas would also plug his ears and nostrels for the procedure. This blocking of the ears and airways was to prevent any bacteria entering the body that might infect the internal organs during the ten months underground. It also shows that evidently there would be no breathing taking place during the suspended animation.
Despite the Maharajas precautions so far he ordered that Haridas be exumed three times during the ten month period so that he may see that he was in fact in the grave and he was each time, his still body displaying no sign of decomposing.
On his final unearthing Haridas was again examined by doctors who found no sign of life apart from a warmth about the head, but no pulse. Haridas' servants then performed their process of revival which included a hot bath and anointing of the eyes and tongue. Haridas slowly came to consciousness and recognised those present. This feat made Haridas a rich man thanks to the Maharaja's appreciation.
Another tale of intrigue is of the sadhu who was discovered by construction workers in the 17th century. While digging a drainage ditch they disturbed his grave and brought him upto the surface after noticing that he was fully preserved although obviously in a grave of some age. Once sunlight hit his body the sadu stirred into life. After a few moments the sadhu was conscious and declared he had been buried for 100 years. Now there's one way to time travel.
For your piece of mind I should say that no one prone to sleep paralysis is likley to fall into 'suspended animation' unwittingly. It takes the sadhu decades of training to be able to accomplish this state.
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