Monday, 18 May 2009


Hello and welcome.
I am writing this blog because it's a simple way of putting this content online. It's something I can build up over time, (and maybe you too if you have any comments). Then at some stage I'll create a web page for the content so people looking for help can find all the help they need in one place.

If you are reading this then chances are either you or someone you know suffers from sleep paralysis, (or you can't sleep and you just stumbled upon this blog). Sleep paralysis experiences can vary in their content from person to person. If you find some content here you can't relate to don't worry I'm sure when we get into the thick of it your going to find the insights and the approach that I cover useful in your own situation.

I will be posting regularly so please check back or subscribe and if you have anything you'd like to share please chip in.

And remember you're not alone.

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